
新米パパの子育て用品 > ベビー向けおもちゃ > 積み木

Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english



ふわふわベビーつみき【保育 知育玩具】
¥ 3,870 -

【正規輸入品】グラパット Ninsベビー Baby Nins スペイン グリムス
¥ 4,180 -

[ Selecta:セレクタ社 ]ブロックス・グランドセット【お誕生日・ご出産祝】人気商品木のおもちゃ・積み木【楽ギフ_包装】【楽ギフ_のし】
¥ 18,700 -

¥ 7,700 -

¥ 8,299 -

Japan Good Toy Award(2014)

size Box size: Length 110mm x Width 188mm x Thickness 32mm material European beech Painting none Rakuten International Shipping weight 0.35kg product weight (excluding packing weight) Price Click here Note The above price list is a guideline for shipping chargesPlease note that the actual shipping cost may differ from the price listThe store will notify you of the exact shipping cost by email after you place your order.
●Payment method is card payment only.
●Please select "Rakuten International Shipping" as the delivery method. ------"It's difficult~ (but it's almost finished!)" (4-year-old boy)------ ------ At the Tokyo Toy Museum ------ Please click the photo below to view. Carefully crafted by a female craftsman at Ginga Kobo Toys. penguin elephant cat rabbit 12 branch story cat free building blocks elephant circus Bremen Town Musicians giraffe elephant standing puzzle cat standing puzzle rabbit standing puzzle rhino standing puzzle Bear Standing Puzzle (Pink) Bear Standing Puzzle (Yellow) Bear Standing Puzzle (Orange) Bear Standing Puzzle (Green) camel standing puzzle donkey standing puzzle goat standing puzzle Frilled lizard puzzle mouse standing puzzle Bear Standing Puzzle (Tropical Series) rhino standing puzzle Round cat standing puzzle ------"Huh? Is this okay??" "Sister, let me do it too!" (5 and 3 year old girls)------Unleash the magic of our wondrous puzzle: Connect small 'Elephants' to reveal a majestic wonder. Elephant puzzle made in japan Japan Good Toy Award(2014) our exclusive designs, crafted with love in our workshop. Embrace the enchantment of our bestseller! The mesmerizing masterpiece puzzle that captivates kids (our store's top choice). Captivating and wildly popular! Our No.1 masterpiece puzzle mesmerizes kids. Crafted from sturdy wood, six adorable baby elephants transform into a magnificent elephant. With fewer pieces, even the littlest ones can join in the fun. But it doesn't end there. Watch their imagination soar as they stack the elephants, create stories, and explore endless possibilities. Spark their cognitive and creative growth, nurturing a world of endless wonder. Are you ready to be amazed by the magic in their little hands? Unveil the wonder of our mystical Escher puzzle: Connecting elephants reveal a grand transformation! Unveil the wonder of our mystical Escher puzzle: Connecting elephants reveal a grand transformation! Assemble the gentle wooden pieces of the baby elephants, and witness them magically transform into a majestic single elephant! With fewer pieces, even the littlest ones can delight in this captivating animal puzzle. But that's not all - this sturdy wooden toy offers endless play possibilities beyond the puzzle. Explore 'stacking play,' placing elephants on elephants, or ignite imaginative 'make-believe' games with each unique elephant piece. Let their creativity soar! Our Galaxy Workshop's cherished recommendation, a toy that nurtures critical thinking and artistic senses. Can you resist the allure of this wondrous puzzle?      "Comes beautifully boxed, making cleanup a joyful puzzle play too."↓ ◆Unleash the boundless horizons of your child's imagination. ◆ Experience the wonder of Galaxy Workshop's animal puzzles, where each piece holds a delightful secret. As you assemble, seek the matching tiny animals hidden in neighboring pieces. A joyful play that nurtures creativity and spatial awareness effortlessly. ◆Crafted with meticulous artistry by skilled artisans.◆ Since it is in a box like this, cleaning up is also a fun play. Please take a look at it. The unique thickness and weight make your hands comfortable. Carefully polished by craftsmen. Three-dimensional animal puzzles are not painted except for some. Since it is made of white wood, you can freely color it. How about coloring with your child in Hidamari? ------Wow! It's shaped like an elephant~" (Boy, age 7)------ When you become an adult, it will be the driving force to "think and act for yourself" A standing puzzle that expresses an intellectual gaze. In addition, "pretend play" using animals for each piece is a skill in children's imagination. Fantasy is essential for a child's healthy growth. If adults play together, it will be an irreplaceable time for children. It contains plenty of elements that are indispensable for the rich growth of children. Ability to move hands and fingertips... three-dimensional sense... sense of balance... sense of accomplishment... formability... imagination... And above all, touching a tree that grows by storing the energy of the sun is an important moment to feel the warmth and texture of nature in this world. Playing with these simple toys, using their imagination freely, will become a driving force when they grow up to be able to think and act for themselves. Safe and secure made in Japan
●Elephant puzzles are carefully made one by one by female craftsmen at Ginga Kobo Toys. In addition, European beech is used for the elephant puzzle. The surface of the puzzle is not painted, so it is safe for children to lick the puzzle.
●The puzzle is chamfered. Small children can play safely There are no angular parts, so it is a puzzle with a high degree of security.
●You can also put your name on the puzzle (for a fee) Your child's name can be laser engraved. Perfect for baby showers and children's birthday gifts. Would you like to give your child the only one puzzle in the world?
● Put your child's name on the elephant piece You can engrave a message. (*There is a charge for engraving. If you wish, please here.)


¥ 5,940-(税込)

Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english 1 Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english 2 Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english 3

#ショップ名 : 木のおもちゃ製作所・銀河工房

#送料 : 送料別

#クレジットカード : 利用可

#海外配送 : 海外配送可能

#海外配送対象地域 : アルゼンチン/ベルギー/ブラジル/スイス/中国/ドイツ/デンマーク/スペイン/フランス/英国/香港/インドネシア/イタリア/韓国/モロッコ/メキシコ/マレーシア/オランダ/ニュージーランド/フィリピン/ポーランド/ポルトガル/ロシア/スウェーデン/シンガポール/タイ/トルコ/台湾/アメリカ/ベトナム

#あす楽 : 翌日配送不可

#ギフト : ギフト包装可能



Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【名前入れ・ラッピング無料】 【木箱入り・全つみき音が鳴る】 積み木 1歳 知育玩具 おすすめ 音いっぱいつみき エドインター 名入れ 赤ちゃん 出産祝い 知育玩具 誕生日 つみき 積木 木のおもちゃ 男の子 女の子 プレゼント ガラガラ ラトル 0歳 2歳 知育
¥5,500 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
\クーポンで3000円OFF/ エド・インター 森のあそび箱 アイラブベビー限定 おもちゃ 女の子 男の子 知育玩具 モンテッソーリ 木のおもちゃ ルーピング アクティビティキューブ アクティビティボックス パズル 1歳 誕生日 2歳 出産祝い プレゼント 知育 【送料無料】
¥16,500 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
グリムス社 アーチレインボー 大 虹色トンネル 知育玩具 木製 木のおもちゃ 積木 1歳 ギフト GRIMM'S
¥17,600 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【無料ラッピング付き】キュボロ スタンダード50 Cuboro Standard 50 50キューブ 大容量セット 204 玉の道 玉の塔 キッズ 木のおもちゃ 積み木 クボロ クボロ社 ブロック おもちゃ
¥42,999 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【木箱入り・全つみき音入り】 積み木 出産祝い 音いっぱいつみき ボリュームセット エドインター 名入れ 1歳 2歳 誕生日 名前入り つみき 積木 知育玩具 木のおもちゃ 一歳 赤ちゃん 男の子 女の子 プレゼント 型はめ 人気
¥11,000 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【ボーネルンド公認店】 積み木 日本製 ボーネルンド オリジナル積み木 カラー 名入れ 出産祝い 誕生日 プレゼント BorneLund つみき 積木 木のおもちゃ 赤ちゃん 1歳 2歳 男の子 女の子
¥19,250 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【特別限定価格】ネフスピール 【匠の国産 木箱 付き】ネフスピール リグノ 積み方 説明 リバーシブル パターン集 付き ネフ社 naef ネフ 木のおもちゃ 知育玩具【ラッピング無料】 【正規輸入品】アトリエニキティキ 楽天 出産 祝い クリスマス プレゼント
¥18,700 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【名入れ可】寄木の積木(木箱入り)| 積み木 1歳 誕生日 プレゼント 男の子 女の子 出産祝い 日本製 積み木 知育 モンテッソーリ おもちゃ あかちゃん 0歳 つみき 木のおもちゃ 木製 玩具 ギフト
¥13,200 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【1年保証】 名入れ無料 積み木 つみき 木のおもちゃ SOUNDブロックス エデュテ 出産祝い 1歳誕生日プレゼント 赤ちゃん 0歳 一歳 1歳半 男の子 女の子 音のなる積み木 知育玩具
¥5,500 -
Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english
【年末年始も休まずお届け】 積み木 Kapla カプラ魔法の板 200 KAPLA BA おもちゃ 玩具 知育 プレゼント
¥10,999 -

Elephant puzzle made in japan wooden toys english


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