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Put Your Potatoes on the Desktop - Standard Version A Practical Approach to Emotion Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Ralph D. Sinn ]



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<p>Put Your Potatoes on the Desktop will:</p> <p>Challenge the belief that you need to be powerful in order to succeed<br /> Expose the myth that your emotions are a liability<br /> Enlighten you to apply the constructive mindset of anger in yourself and others<br /> Motivate you to teach your children or others about emotion intelligence what they do not necessarily learn in school<br /> Liberate you to choose forgiveness and apology to experience greater fulfillment personally and in your relationships</p> <p>You will be introduced to a practical approach to understand and apply the concepts of emotion intelligence to real-life issues. The definition of anger is explored, as well as the difference between anger and anger management. The basis of the destructive mindset with possible consequences of low self esteem, addictions, depression, anxiety, abusive outbursts, bullying, loneliness, or stress-related medical illness is discussed. Then presented is the contrasting impact of the constructive mindset to free you to enjoy the benefits of increased self esteem, creativity, perseverance, and effective communication strategies.</p> <p>You will become acquainted with the value of hope, the attainment of purpose, and the application of boundaries to work towards healthy relationships. Relating with the concept of potatoes will help you understand the foundation of aggressive tendencies in yourself and how to deal with aggressiveness in others. You will learn how to apply the constructive mindset to deal with past hurts and insults by the process of forgiveness.</p> <p>If you are eager to learn about the real role of emotions in your life, then this book is for you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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¥ 774-(税込)

Put Your Potatoes on the Desktop - Standard Version A Practical Approach to Emotion Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Ralph D. Sinn ] 1

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Put Your Potatoes on the Desktop - Standard Version A Practical Approach to Emotion Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Ralph D. Sinn ]


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