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The Future-Proof Career: Strategies for thriving at every stage【電子書籍】[ Isabel Berwick ]



Striking Joint Ventures Made Easy Understanding How to Use the Simple But Profound Power Behind Joint Ventures!【電子書籍】[ Thrivelearning Institute Library ]
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You Owe You: Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why YOU OWE YOU [ Eric Thomas ]
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洋書 University of Chicago Press Paperback, Tournament of Lawyers: The Transformation of the Big Law Firm
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洋書 Focus: Hack Your Productivity for Massive Success
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Entrepreneurial Attributes Accessing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business and Beyond【電子書籍】[ Andrew Paul Clarke ]
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<p>An accessible and approachable guide to work and careers from a trusted and authoritative source. <em>The Future-Proof Career</em> looks at the new way of working in a post-pandemic world and shows you how to make work work for you, no matter what stage of your career you’re at.</p> <p><strong>Whether you’re the boss, the deputy or on your way up</strong>, the way we’re working in a post-pandemic world is forever changed and it’s important to make your work work for you. This is a book about how to do work differently, written by the host of the award-winning <em>Financial Times</em> ‘Working It’ podcast. Packed with expert analysis and ahead-of-the-curve workplace trends, this book looks at the big ideas shaping the world of work today and the old habits we need to lose, examining these pressing topics in depth and bringing in expert opinion and personal experience, with key takeaways summarised at the end of each chapter.</p> <p>This modern guide to the world of work can be used by everyone ? both employed and self-employed, anyone working in new hybrid working practices, or to the many individuals who set up on their own after the pandemic and are navigating a new way of working. The book is <strong>split into two sections ? Staff and Managers</strong>. This works for both groups, as most people are managed and/or aspire to be higher up and so can be dipped into for expert advice and guidance at any stage of your career.</p> <p>Covering topics as wide-ranging as the <strong>four-day working week, bridging the workplace generation gap, making sure your company walks its diversity talk, quiet quitting and the great resignation, achieving workplace equality</strong> and even <strong>micro-dosing for creativity</strong>, <em>The Future-Proof Career</em> spreads the word about understanding modern workplaces so we can all have happier, more productive lives.</p> <p>This book will help you to navigate the world of work now, tell you how it might change in future ? and how you can prepare. Get ahead of uncertainty and take control of your career.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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The Future-Proof Career: Strategies for thriving at every stage【電子書籍】[ Isabel Berwick ] 1

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The Future-Proof Career: Strategies for thriving at every stage【電子書籍】[ Isabel Berwick ]


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