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Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ]



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We'll Meet Again An absolutely gripping and heartbreaking World War II historical novel【電子書籍】[ Hilary Green ]
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The Great White Fear【電子書籍】[ David Evans ]
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<p>A cursed town. A mysterious Veil. A girl determined to uncover the truth.</p> <p>For ten years, the crimson Veil has loomed over Ashreach, a swirling barrier of blood-red mist that no one dares to cross. Its appearance marked the day Mireya Valen lost her parents, leaving her with unanswered questions and a locket filled with memories. The town whispers of curses, of shadows lurking in the mist, and of a danger too great to face. But Mireya has never stopped searching for the truthーno matter how dark it may be.</p> <p>When a stranger arrives in Ashreach, his eyes glowing faintly with the same eerie crimson as the Veil, he brings a chilling warning: something is coming. The Veil is alive, and its secrets are about to unravel.</p> <p>Forced to confront the fears she has buried for years, Mireya embarks on a dangerous journey into the unknown. Joined by Kalen, her loyal and stubborn childhood friend, she ventures toward the Veil’s edge, where strange whispers call her name and shadows take on monstrous forms.</p> <p>What lies beyond the Veil is more than Mireya could have imaginedーa land of haunting beauty, deadly creatures, and truths that threaten to tear her world apart. As she uncovers the Veil’s origins and her family’s connection to it, Mireya must make an impossible choice: save herself or face the darkness to protect the ones she loves.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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¥ 657-(税込)

Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ] 1

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Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ]
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Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ]
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Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ]
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Beneath The Crimson【電子書籍】[ Vore Got ]


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